Foul Monkeys Podcast


Jeb Tops George? Oh My!

Wednesday, June 21st, 2006

We interview the President of the United States. He discusses his bunk bed situation with Jeb and how the Governator gets upset when he can’t be on top.

George totally admits to being a total bottom….because he likes being closer to the ground. Bushism alert, “Dick is good!”

Ryan discusses how hairy he is even down to his unmentionables, while Garrett talks about tucking his balls and dick into his pants. The surprising things is, he is straight!

So download, listen and tell us what you think. Email us at and don’t forget to leave us comments. Also, go to iTunes, subscribe and leave a review.

p.s.-Ricky wants Twinkies and Ding Dongs!

p.s.s. and Gina is somewhere in the mix